Featured Rental – Aerators

Featured Rental – Aerators

A primary reason for an unhealthy lawn is because water and fertilizer you are feeding it are unable to reach the roots of your grass. Aerating overcomes this problem by punching small holes through the thatch and into the soil, thereby creating an avenue for air,...
Featured Rental – Tillers

Featured Rental – Tillers

Advanced planning and beginning work in early spring on new flower and vegetable gardens are the key ways to maximize prime growing season in Northeast Ohio. Once you have mapped out the size and location of your new garden, rent your tiller from Sully’s to ensure...

Post-pandemic party trends – Ready for 2022

Planning for celebrations from wedding receptions to graduation parties this spring and summer is focusing on a relaxing of pandemic mandates with an eye for continued caution. Make sure you are ready for anything with Sully’s Rental. Trends for wedding receptions,...