It’s that time of year when communities across the country begin trimming trees and decking out gazebos in the town square, and to reach the highest bow they bring out the boom lifts. But what about your home? For residents trying to reach their high peaks and tall trees, boom lifts are also the safest, easiest way to decorate.

Sully’s Rental offers boom lifts with options and safety features that are perfect for homeowners looking to deck out full roof lines, the backyard pine tree, third-story dormers, even flag poles. From holiday decorating to routine outdoor maintenance (think gutter cleaning, repair, and branch pruning) the right boom lift provides a hydraulically controlled platform that reaches the height you need.

Whether you need a drivable or tow-behind, Sully’s has a boom lift for you in working heights that can handle your project safely, reducing your risk of injury. Consider the following important features:

  • Telescopic operation that extends the bucket straight out or straight up for those long reaches.
  • Articulating operation that allows you to maneuver the bucket around corners and into hard-to-reach areas.
  • Varying working heights at 43 feet, 50 feet, and 60 feet, with extended reach varying from 27 to 33 feet.
  • Basket lifting capacity up to 500 pounds.
  • Gas or electric operation.

If your project requires a larger working platform with no obstacles to work around, a scissor lift from Sully’s will answer that need. Ask us about scissor lifts with up to 38 feet of working height.

Use a boom lift for your home project

From tree trimming to Christmas lights, if you need to reach up and around, you need a boom lift from Sully’s. Our boom lift rental includes fully serviced equipment that is ready to go and safety directives for your use.

We care about your safety. Remember the following when using lifts for maintenance and holiday decorating at your home:

  • Be sure the ground is level and clear around the lift.
  • Observe the maximum weight and do not overload.
  • Avoid power lines.
  • Check wind speeds before operating your lift and work in calm conditions.

If you are decorating your home, business, office complex, or community park, contact Sully’s for lifts that will make your holiday lights shine and the job of decking the halls safe for all. Call Sully’s today to secure your boom lift.